Popular South Indian actress Rambha, who tied the knot with Canada-based businessman Indhiran Padmanathan on April 8 in Tirupathi said that she would continue acting after marriage.
The marriage, performed in a grand manner at the Karnataka Guest House, remained a relatively low-key affair with invitations limited only to family members and close friends. Mostly family members and film stars including actress Roja and her director husband R.K. Selvamani, choreographer Kala Master and the entire unit of the popular TV dance reality show Manada Mayiladu and popular Telugu director Raghavendra Rao, arrived at Tirumala hills for the muhurtam. The couple offered prayers at the hill shrine and immediately after the worship, the newly-wed couple left for Chennai with family members.
The marriage has taken place in Tirupathi on April 8. They planned a grand reception at Rani Meyyammai Hall in Chennai on April 11.
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